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Our Church History

Clearfield Bible Church can trace its beginnings to 1849 with the founding of the Church of God in Carrollton. In the spring of that year, Mr. John H. Chew and Mr. William Crusey and their families, who had been members of Uniontown Church of God, moved into the vicinity of Carrollton, Maryland. Initially, the congregation consisted of Mr. Chew, Mr. Crusey, and their families. In 1850, Elder C. Price was called as pastor. As the congregation grew, the Methodist Protestant Church granted permission for them to use the Old Sandy Mount House for worship.


Other churches in the area soon felt threatened by the growing new church, and the Trustees of the Sandy Mount House began to consider closing the House to the group of worshippers. Not to be discouraged, the people organized their labors, collected funds, and soon bought a small school house in the village of Carrollton in what is now known as Reese. After a number of years, the congregation had become too large for this small building, so in 1865 it was decided that a new house of worship should be built. A new church building was completed. It was located just back of the present day Carrollton Church of God and was known as Union Bethel.


By the early part of 1921, the condition of the church building had deteriorated and was totally inadequate for the growing congregation. The church appointed a finance committee to solicit funds for the erection of a new bethel, which is the building still used by the Carrollton Church of God today.


By the early 1960's, discontentment with the governing body of the Churches of God in North America was growing within the churches of that denomination in Carroll County and elsewhere. On September 14, 1965, a list of grievances was given by these churches to the Maryland and Virginia Eldership of the Churches of God in North America announcing their secession from the denomination. Out of these fundamental differences Clearfield Bible Church and approximately eleven other Bible churches in the Carroll County area were born.


At the Sunday morning service of the Carrollton Church of God on September 25, 1966, an announcement was made by the pastor, Reverend Bruce Dick that members of the church were leaving to form a new church. Anyone who wanted to join the new congregation could do so. Approximately 80 percent of the congregation elected to join the new body.


The new group held its first meeting, later that same day at the Hillsdale Homemaker's Club. No songbooks were available so the group had to sing the old hymns of the faith from memory. The new church began to make plans to construct a church building. On August 18, 1967, two acres of land was purchased on Old Westminster Pike in an area known as Clearfield, for this purpose.


On February 18, 1968, the Reverend Gerry L. Smith was called as pastor. The first worship service was held in the new building on June 16, 1968, while the cornerstone service was held on December 1 of that same year. The dedication service was held on January 5, 1969.


On October 4, 1970, the Reverend Roy Combs was called as pastor.


The Reverend Douglas Baker was called as pastor on November 4, 1973.


The parsonage was built in 1975.


The Reverend David Duley was called as pastor of the church in November of 1982. Pastor Duley had been a prison chaplain for the Good News Mission for over thirteen years.


In 2001, a new handicapped accessible entranceway with carport and additional restrooms was added. In 2002, the church purchased three acres of land from the adjoining farm and plans are being made for a multi-purpose addition for family and fellowship activities. We praise God for blessing the congregation in such a way that all properties and construction have been paid in full.


On July 18, 2007, Pastor Kevin Smith was called as pastor. On August 10, 2008, Pastor Kevin Smith resigned due to disagreements concerning church membership requirements.


While searching for a new Pastor, Clearfield enlisted the help of some local ministers including John Warnken (a retired missionary) and Chaplain Ray Newman (serving Good News Jail and Prison ministry). A member of the church approached Chaplain Newman and encouraged him to consider applying for the position as pastor of Clearfield if the Lord was leading. After prayerful consideration, Chaplain Newman did apply. Ray Newman became our pastor in May of 2009.







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