Our Missionary Family
Our missions board is committed to keeping before the congregation those missions and missionaries that the Lord has allowed us to partner with to reach the lost. Our board also alerts the church to the needs, both material and spiritual, of our missionary family.
We strive to impress upon our church family that God's word requires us as Christians to
"go into the world and preach the Gospel to every man" (Mark 16:15).

Alpha Pregnancy Center
Field: Baltimore County
Alpha Pregnancy Center educates, supports and empowers women facing unplanned pregnancies with compassionate and professional medical care to the glory of God.

Baltimore Rescue Mission
Field: Baltimore City
The Baltimore Rescue Mission has been reaching out to the poor of inner city Baltimore since 1956. They are a Christian, nonprofit, non-denominational Gospel ministry with the primary objective of the evangelization of every person who enters the mission.

Daniel & Karrie Bethel
Field: Spain
Daniel serves as the Director of Church Planting and facilitates healthy church-planting teams among least-reached areas worldwide. Karrie serves as the Women’s Ministry Director. They carry out this task by leading 12 Affinity Group leaders who oversee the fieldwork globally.

Matt & Ellen Bjerk
Field: Croatia
Matt and Ellen Bjerk are working in Croatia with Biblical Ministries Worldwide. Through the TEFL program (teaching English as a foreign language), they make contacts and hope to establish churches in villages along the Croatian-Bosnia border.

Tom & Danielle Brendle
Field: Florida (Training Program)
Tom and Danielle had the privilege of working with the Siawi people of Papua New Guinea from 1998 until 2009. Now they are the directors of the 360Care team. Their role is to provide caring leadership and mentoring of missionaries heading to their first ministry assignment.

Gary & Beth Caton
Field: Pennsylvania (Japanese Community)
Gary and Beth Caton currently minister under Christar with two Japanese churches in PA. They teach English classes to the Japanese and use that as a way to share the gospel.

Christian Law Association
Field: USA
CLA has been provides free legal assistance to Bible-believing churches and Christians who are experiencing difficulty in practicing their religious faith because of governmental regulation, intrusion, or prohibition in one form or another.

Thom & Carolyn Cunningham
Field: Retired
Thom and Carolyn served in evangelism, discipleship and church planting in Austria, England and Scotland. Thom partners with local churches in Europe and the USA through teaching seminars — “Each One REACH One — Each One TEACH One” (personal evangelism & one-on-one discipleship).

George & Vera Dapaah
Field: Ghana/West Africa
George and Vera serve under Int. Partnership Ministries (IPM) and Solid Rock Baptist Missions in Gahana with church planting and Biblical education. Their Christian school and Bible college is an effective center for sharing the gospel and training church leaders.

Nkuilza & Odette Evariste
Field: Rwanda, Africa
Gospelink’s ministry is focused on connecting God’s people across the globe to advance the Gospel. They partner with Indigenous pastors and ministry leaders to actively spread the Gospel through evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.

Ryan & Cathren Hundertmark
Field: Guinea/West Africa
Ryan and Catherine serve under Ethnos360 with a focus on Tribal church planting. There are a lot of challenges involved in living in remote parts of the world with diverse culturs and languages, but the Hundertmark family lives by faith and works tirelessly to introduce Jesus to all they encounter

Joaquin & Paqui Lopez
Field: Spain
Joaquin and Paqui Lopez have partnered with Gospel Fellowship Association in the extension of the Gospel in Spain since 1995. They work hard to spread the gospel and plant churches in their province of Tarragon, Spain.

Joseph & Thana Moussa
Field: Pennsylvania/Arabic
Joseph and Thana Mousa have a heart for Church Planting. Their focus is getting the gospel to the Arabic community around the world that lives . They travel and minister in Washington DC, Southern MD, and Northern VA (estimate more than 300,000 people) and even in Syria to the glory of God.

David & Debbie Nunemaker
Field: South Carolina
David and Debbie Nunemaker have spent a lifetime working with French-speaking peoples under Gospel Furthering Fellowship.

Steve & Julie Nunemaker
Field: Pennsylvania
Steve and Julie work under Tri-M (Mobile Modular Ministry) to train and equip international church leaders, where they are, to reach their world for Christ.

Linda Reynolds
Field: Hong Kong
Linda Reynolds spreads the gospel with Biblical Ministries Worldwide in Hong Kong. Teaching English allows her to minister to children and their families, and reach them for Christ.

Arlene Rigney
Field: Retired
For 42 years Arlene and her husband Daniel Rigney worked with Ariel Ministries to evangelize and disciple their Jewish brethren.

Daniel & Sarah Ruley
Field: Brazil
Daniel and Sarah Ruley and their three boys work under Baptist Mid-Missions to plant churches and develop leaders in the least-evangelized region of Brazil.

Derrick Seegars
Good News Jail & Prison Ministry
Field: USA - Carroll County

Bill & Pam Sudeck
Field: France
Bill & Pam Sudeck serve in southeastern France with Crossworld. They are involved in church planting and evangelism through various ministries.

Jim & Larissa Walter
Field: Pennsylvania - Camp Tohiglo
Camp Tohiglo is owned and operated by the Fellowship of Bible Churches and was founded in 1979. Tohiglo stands for "To His Glory." Jim and Larissa oversee the facilities and manage the camp to the glory of God.

John Warnken
Field: Retired
John and his wife Barbara served as missionaries in Senegal West Africa for 24 years under New Tribes Missions (Ethnos 360). They ministered amongst the Baynouk people, learning their language and teaching them to read and write their own language to be able to read God’s Word.

Westminster Rescue Mission
Addiction Healing Center
Field: Carroll County
As a nonprofit Christian organization the Westminster Rescue Mission is a community that provides clinical, physical, and spiritual resources to heal the addicted and feed the hungry.